Thursday, August 07, 2008

There are times in life when it is best to just let go of the wheel. Often letting go is the hardest thing to do. Lately it has not been so difficult. After four years of trying to rationalize my way out of a situation, I am exhausted. This has caused the interesting side effect of being in a state of total calm under circumstances that should naturally produce the opposite reaction. Well, either I have gone completely off the deep end or have finally surrendered to God's will and know that only he can ordain the miracle we need and so desperately desire.

I also have a constant awareness of how precious time is. I do not for one second take my life for granted. I appreciate the many blessing that have been given to me. Sometimes I sit in amazement at how lucky I have been to find such an amazing husband and friend. When looking back at my life over the past seven years, I see the beautiful beginnings to a wonderful piece of art. I truly believe that our strength is in each other. It humbles me to think that our life is divinely directed; this fact also gives me peace. Thank you lord for my extraordinary life and the perspective to see beyond our struggles.